This is where I write random compositions for absolutely no reason. Bon appetit.
Dear Editor,
I am testing this thing
Yours sincerely,
Chris Wong
Chris Wong
Ocean Park is like the last resort for where to go to for School Picnic due to my class being torn on where to go to, and then everyone collectively agrees to go to Ocean Park. If I remember correctly, we had originally planned to go rent a party room, which from my perspective was better than Ocean Park, and then that plan was shut down by the school due to “Fire Services Ordinance”.
Let’s cut to the chase. Let’s talk about Hair Raiser or 動感快車, or the rollercoaster that had a big clown face at the entrance. I remember I was told to not put on my glasses which was not ideal for the immersive experience. Think about it, a YouTube video downgraded from 4K to 144p, the video quality was not the best, but that didn’t matter because, actually, I blacked out mid-ride so basically I just felt myself trying to fly out of the rollercoaster while my face is being pushed by the gush of winds flying towards me, but at least I had that dopamine rush. (For your information, the ride reached G forces of 4. Maybe I am too weak)
Apart from that, the Ocean Park experience was enjoyable. I mean I went to 3 attractions and had some fun experiences with my friends, not to mention we dragged our mathematics teacher to come with us and I am sure he had a lot of fun there. Ask him personally.